Have you ever encountered a lone tree standing in the midst of an open prairie or field? I have been mystified by this phenomena ever since I can remember.
I find a solitary tree standing amidst a pasture filled with grass and rocky mounds and ruts from cattle trampling through it to be just fascinating. When I first noticed the lone tree phenomenon I don’t rightly recall. I can tell you that it has been a noticeable mystery for many years to me.
Every time we set out on a journey and are driving along, I look for a lone tree that will captivate me once again with its’ stark loneliness calling out to for company. There are times when I say to my husband, hey, let’s go over and sit under that tree for a little while. Maybe the realization of grand mysteries to the universe might come to us if we just sit in its energy field for a little bit.
Have you ever seen movies that feature trees as symbols of wisdom or as places of eternal secrets and rejuvenation? What comes to mind first of all is the Tree of Life.
Lone trees remind of earthly objects that possess a rare kind of strength. Do they strike you with that impression?
I’m going to make an intention to find awesome representations of this lone tree phenomenon to share right here. I want to write some poetry and tell some stories about lone trees that I have encountered in my journeys or in literature.
The first feature in this “lone tree” feature will be about a giant redwood in the forests of Mount Shasta that stood about 215 feet high and had a diameter of 10 feet. We camped under it for some time and it had a mysterious energy that she shared with us. By this tree, we witnessed eagles fly and other mysteries that i’ll share in the feature post.
Will you share your photos and your stories about lone trees with us here on Midnight Revelry?
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